New myopia management lens now at Leightons
Apr 11, 2017 in Children's Eye Care

All about myopia
Myopia (short- or near-sightedness) usually begins in childhood. For many years, it’s been recognised that myopia is increasing globally: in the western world, the prevalence has risen from 20% to 40% over the last 25 years, and in some parts of Asia is as high as 90%. By 2050, it’s estimated that half the world’s population will be myopic.
What can be overlooked is the associated risk of medical problems with myopia. The condition can lead to serious eye problems such as glaucoma, retinal holes and tears and retinal degeneration (maculopathy). All myopic people have an increased risk of these events, but the risk becomes greater as the myopia increases, because it causes the eye to become more elongated and its membrane more stretched.
Managing myopia
Over the years, extensive research has been carried out around the world to find a solution to myopia. Management usually includes encouraging the child to spend more time outside – ideally at least 12 hours a day. The increase of myopia can also be slowed by the use of Orthokeratology lenses, available in several Leightons branches.
Now, for the first time ever, there is a contact lens that is actually licensed for myopia management: MiSight® by CooperVision.
MiSight® contact lenses
MiSight® has been launched exclusively to a selected group of UK and European practices this year. The data from a two year ongoing study across Europe has proven that the unique optics in the one day disposable MiSight® lens slow down myopia by 59% compared to the control group. As a result, if this lens is fitted early enough, most children will have less than half the strength of myopia than if fitted with glasses or a conventional contact lens.

Can children wear contact lenses?
There is not really a limit on who can wear contact lenses – certain eye conditions can mean that even children as young as a few weeks old have been fitted with them. We are proactive in fitting young children with contact lenses with fantastic results, and the risks with MiSight® are no more or less than with any other contact lens.
The fitting and supply of contact lenses and spectacles to those under 16 is regulated and only permitted by a registered optometrist, optician or doctor.
More about MiSight®
MiSight® contact lenses are currently available from Leightons branches in Epsom, Marlow (Leightons Insight), Poole (Leightons & Tempany) and St Albans. The lenses are only available through a Direct Debit scheme, which includes all professional fees and the continual supply of this revolutionary product.
For more information about myopia, MiSight® lenses or to book a consultation, call us on 0800 40 20 20 or you can book an appointment online.