What is The Ultimate Eye Exam?

The Ultimate Eye Exam uses pioneering technology to allow your clinician to see 65% more of your eye. It captures 2D and 3D pictures of your eyes using Optomap and OCT in an enhanced imaging package and is highly recommended to our patients of all ages.

A patient placing her eyes on the OCT machine for her eye exam.

How long does The Ultimate Eye Exam take?

The Ultimate Eye Exam usually lasts around 45 minutes in total. In the first 15 minutes, you will have your OCT and Optomap scans taken. The remaining 30 minutes is your appointment with the optometrist, who will check your prescription and discuss your scan images with you.

OCT and Optomap machines Leightons uses in the Ultimate Eye Exam.

What happens in The Ultimate Eye Exam?

What does The Ultimate Eye Exam show?

The Ultimate Eye Exam includes imaging over and above what is available in a standard sight test:

  • Optomap allows us to take an incredibly detailed image of your retina (the back of the eye) and shows up to 80% of the surface in one ultra-wide panoramic view.
  • OCT is a bit like an ultrasound using light and takes a scan of the layers beneath the central retina, giving a cross-section image that helps the optometrist build a complete picture of your eye health.

Rest assured, taking images in the Ultimate Eye Exam is quick and painless – it only takes a few moments and nothing touches your eyes.

optomap with ultra-wide retinal imaging diagram

What’s included in The Ultimate Eye Exam?

The Ultimate Eye Exam includes:

  • Discussion of previous medical and eye history, as well as lifestyle needs.
  • A wider view inside your eyes with 2D scanning Optomap technology.
  • A deeper look at the hidden layers of your eyes with 3D OCT scans.
  • Measurement of your eyes for long, middle and short-range focus and coordination.
  • High magnification light beam examination of the eyes and eyelids for a 3D view.
  • A bespoke prescription for any glasses, contact lenses or therapeutic treatment.
A clinician performing an OCT test on a patient.

How much is The Ultimate Eye Exam?

The Ultimate Eye Exam costs £99.

If you are eligible for an NHS sight test, then you can add OCT and Optomap to your NHS-funded test for £69.

The Ultimate Eye Exam is included at no extra charge for members of our MyLeightons Care Plans, alongside many other benefits.

My Leightons care plan logo

Book an appointment

Book online

You can book your eye test online at any time through our secure, easy-to-use online booking system.

Please note that, unfortunately, the Ultimate Eye Exam is not currently available in Fareham.

Book by phone

Call us on 0800 40 20 20. Lines are open Monday to Saturday, 8:30am to 5:00pm.

Our team is available for appointment bookings as well as to answer to any queries you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions

Kiki Soteri, Head of Clinical Services at Leightons, explains, “even if you can see well, it's important we fully assess the health of the eyes. Some eye conditions can be prevented or treated if caught early, and some conditions can be present even with perfect vision and no need for glasses! So just like getting your hearing or teeth checked, a routine Ultimate Eye Exam is a must.”

All aspects of the Ultimate Eye Exam are completely safe for children of all ages and can be provided on request. The NHS recommends children begin having regular eye tests from the age of three, unless parents notice frequent eye rubbing, squints, lack of eye coordination, asymmetric appearance of the eyes, or if the child has any other problems identified earlier.

Our Ultimate Eye Exam is the most comfortable test for little ones. With less time spent in close proximity with the optometrist, it’s an easier option that still delivers high quality care – perfect for those with short attention spans!