How to care for your Contact Lenses
Oct 31, 2014 in Contact Lenses
Whether you are a first time user or have been wearing contact lenses for a while, maintaining them correctly will go a long way towards increasing their shelf life, as well as ensure that your eyes remain healthy. Here are some tips on how to care for your contact lenses. Of course, remember to check with your eye doctor before changing your lens care regime. Some products may be incompatible with each other or with some contact lenses, and using incompatible products will not only damage your lenses but may cause harm to your eyes. And if the cleaning and storing process seems like too much work, you can always switch to daily disposable contact lenses, which are designed to be worn once and then discarded.
Clean, Rinse, Disinfect!
This mantra is the basis of contact lens care.
1) Before handling contact lenses, it’s important to thoroughly wash and rinse your hands with a mild, non-cosmetic soap. Avoid using soaps with perfumes, oils or lotions as these leave a film on your hands, which may get transferred to the lenses. This can cause eye irritation or blurred vision.
2) Dry your hands with a clean, lint-free towel.
3) Remove one lens at a time and rinse it in the recommended solution that came with your lenses. Rinse each lens for at least 5 seconds on each side. Place a few drops on the solution on each lens and rub the surface gently in the palm of your hand to remove any debris and surface build-up.
4) Rinse the lens again to remove the loosened debris.
5) Place the lens in a clean lens case and fill with lens solution. If the lens case contains any old solution, throw it out and clean the lens case first. Never top off the old solution in your lens case.
6) Clean your contact lens each time by washing it with sterile solution or hot water, and allow it to air dry. Replace your contact lens case every couple of months.
7) If you wear makeup, apply it after your lenses are in your eyes. Take out your contact lenses before removing your makeup. This ensures that you don’t get any makeup onto your lenses.
Vision Care
For a first time user, choosing the right contact lenses and wearing them on a daily basis may seem a bit daunting. At Leightons Opticians, we will not only help to select the contact lenses that best fit your requirement and lifestyle, but will also advise you on the correct eye care practices for using the lenses optimally. Take advantage of our VisionCare Plan, which offers you great value and continued service. The plan includes free professional eye care, discounts galore and the convenience of home delivery. We will send you a regular supply of contact lenses and solutions, so you don’t have to worry about remembering to refill them. Contact your local Leightons Opticians branch for a free contact lens trial and see the world better!