Abseiling mayor helps local deaf people

Oct 09, 2012 in Hearing Aids

Abseiling mayor helps local deaf people

The former mayor of Camden has presented a cheque to one hearing charity, which it is hoped will assist those who wear digital hearing aids.

Councillor Abdul Quadir presented Action on Hearing Loss with a £27,000 cheque in a special presentation last Thursday, with this monetary boost earmarked to help local users who suffer with hearing problems.

The councillor has been working tirelessly to come up with the funds and the benefits look set to be wide-ranging for local people.

It all goes towards the Hear to Help service, which aims to reduce isolation felt by local deaf people, as well as providing information and resources for people on how to use their devices properly.

This includes maintenance, such as replacing tubing and batteries, as well as advice on how you can use equipment in day-to-day life.

As part of his fundraising efforts, councillor Quadir, who suffers from hearing loss himself, abseiled down Camden Town Hall and also packed bags for shoppers.

He said he was looking forward to seeing what impact the money could have on local people with the condition.

"I was delighted to spend my year as mayor raising money for Action on Hearing Loss, a charity close to my heart," he said.

"For the one in six people in Camden with hearing loss, like myself, this charity offers life changing support and I look forward to seeing the money spent on setting up a fantastic new Hear to Help service."

We here at Leightons know as well as anyone how important it is to focus not only on the technical issues around hearing aids, but the more personal ones as well.

That's why, from the point where you have your free home hearing test until you have your aid fitted, we can answer any questions you may have about adjusting to life with a hearing aid.

Any questions you may have, feel free to ask us. Chances are, we'll have heard them all before.