Digital hearing aids: You’re not alone
Dec 28, 2012 in Hearing Aids
One of the important things that those with hearing loss often find it comforting to know is that they are far from being alone when it comes to the condition.
Primarily you are not alone in terms of coping with hearing loss because you have friends, family and our audiologists to support you but also, in a more literal sense, millions of people in the UK suffer from the problem and require digital hearing aids.
According to Action On Hearing Loss figures, there were ten million people in the UK suffering with the condition in 2011 and that figure is likely to be larger now, given that by 2031 this is expected to rise to 14.5 million Brits.
However, far from filling people with fear, there is a positive side to these statistics in that there is help available and also that research is being carried out to try and make the issue easier to deal with.
There will be plenty of people in your local area who suffer from hearing loss and it’s well worth joining a deaf or hard of hearing group because these offer a real sanctuary for many of the people we treat.
Members of such groups have been through everything in terms of coping with hearing loss and will be able to explain and advise on how best to cope with things, offering a good backup to the advice our audiologists can offer.
It’s also a good social outlet for people who have finished work and are looking for new ways to make friends and enjoy their later years.
Indeed, around 70 per cent of those over the age of 70, and 40 per cent of those over 50 suffer, to some degree, with hearing loss, and meeting likeminded people of a similar age can really help the road to recovery.
The important thing to remember is that you are not alone when it comes to dealing with hearing loss as friends, family, our audiologists and deaf groups can all help you.